Maintaining Self Care During Dry January
We’ve officially made it halfway through Dry January! If you’ve made it this far -especially if this is your first sober month- congratulations! Take some time to celebrate your accomplishments so far, and what more you have to look forward too.
As we continue on during this dry month, maintaining good self care routines can be essential to staying on track & establishing healthy goals. Many people already have some sort of self care practices in place- for some it’s a morning stretch, for others it’s a long run or a hot bath.
Take a moment to think about your own self care routine and especially reflect on these last two weeks of Dry January. Is there anything you’d like to change or add?
The beauty of a self care routine is that it’s about you, and what makes you feel good. We’ve compiled a few ideas to help you explore other options so you can continue to grow as your best self.
Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is considered a type of meditation, and is essentially the practice of focusing on what you are sensing and feeling exactly in a moment. The idea is to bring your mind to the present space, rather than wandering off to thinking about the past or future.
Practicing mindfulness has been found to have numerous benefits, including reduced stress, increased focus, and boosted working memory. If you’re participating in Dry January, mindfulness can be important so you don’t focus on drinking or alcohol or partying. Instead, you can focus on the present moment, and nothing else.
Change Your Scenery
Do you ever find yourself at home for a few days in a row? I know I do, especially with the ease of grocery delivery and takeout these days. However, getting out of your house can be more beneficial than you think.
A new study has found that small routine changes, like going somewhere new, can help people feel happier in life. In addition, other studies have linked time spent in nature to decreased stress and anxiety, while also increasing happiness and feelings of creativity. A daily walk or bike ride might be all you need to change up your scenery and add to your self care routine.
Keep Moving
Getting your body moving everyday is important, most simply because we humans aren’t made to sit for long periods. Especially if you work from home, sitting for hours on end can be all too common.
We all know that regular exercise is good for the body, but movement doesn’t always have to come in the form of breaking a sweat or pushing yourself extremely hard. Any movement is good for the body- walking, stretching, yoga, dancing- these are all approachable movements for anytime of the day. For your self care routine, try taking small chunks out of your day for brief movement. A morning stretch, a lunchtime walk, an afternoon dance sesh… aim for several different movements throughout the day.
Nourish Your Body
Yes, nourishing your body means providing it with all the healthy nutrients it needs to survive and thrive. But nourishing your body also means eating things that you just enjoy, regardless of how “healthy” they might be.
Think of nourishing your body like a balancing act- you need the proper amount of nutrition, but you also need time to satisfy those favorite cravings. Never tell yourself you can’t have both, because you can! Self care is about enjoying the little things, and if you want to enjoy that donut or cupcake- do it.
Rest & Recharge
The most important elements of a self care routine are to rest and recharge your body. Life can be tough, especially during a pandemic, and getting rest is seriously essential. Yes, sleep is super important, but so is allowing yourself some downtime beforehand.
Deep relaxation has been found to decrease stress and improve mood, and can even relieve pain and improve your immune system. Relaxing options could be journaling, reading or enjoying a bath bomb. Enabling yourself to rest and recharge will allow you to be more energized when you need it.
All in all, your self-care routine is what you want it to be. These tips are a great place to start if you want to spend time on your own self care, especially as you continue through Dry January. Now is a great time to maintain these positive self-care habits as we enter the new year!