New year, New you: Is a Booze-Free Life for you?

New year, New you: Is a Booze-Free Life for you?

Have you been considering going booze-free recently? Whether you’re looking to lose weight, decrease anxiety, sleep more soundly, or just feel a little better, going alcohol-free can have a BIG impact on your overall well-being.

And while we often have the motivation to start a new habit, like giving up alcohol, it can often be challenging to see that commitment through — especially during the holiday season. But when you commit to creating new habits and living a healthier lifestyle, you are doing something amazing for your body, mind, and soul.



Cheers to booze-free livin'!

One of the things that helps many people finally take the plunge and quit alcohol for good (or even just temporarily) is considering everything you’re missing out on when you choose to drink booze.

Yes, you read that right. People always think that sobriety is about missing out and feeling deprived, when in fact, it’s the other way round. By staying stuck in the same miserable cycle of hangovers and guilt, you’re missing out on a very happy, healthy, feel-good lifestyle.

So… if you’re sober curious, get ready to make the leap! Here’s what you’ll get in return:


7 Benefits of Going Alcohol-Free

1. Your body is going to feel (and look) amazing.

A bottle of wine contains around 600 calories… that’s the equivalent of three doughnuts! Add in a bit of junk food (helpful for battling a hangover) and it really adds up. Your waistline will thank you for cutting out all those empty calories.

Luckily for you, you can have your drink and sip it too with our non-alcoholic beers and wines. Looking for something bubbly? Try our alcohol-free prosecco, which contains just 60 calories per serving (that’s HALF of what’s in a regular glass of wine.)

2. You will feel less anxious and depressed.

Alcohol gives you a very brief, artificial high, followed by a long and painful low. You know how awful it is when you feel hungover, depressed and anxious; you spend all day beating yourself up. When you stop drinking, it feels as if a huge weight has been lifted.

3. Your face will glow (hello, clear skin!)

Alcohol is an inflammatory substance, meaning it tends to cause swelling in the body. This inflammation may be made much worse by the things often mixed with alcohol, such as sugary and carbonated liquids, which can result in gas, discomfort, and more bloating.

After a night out drinking, you may also notice bloating in your face, which is often accompanied by redness. This happens because alcohol dehydrates the body.

When the body is dehydrated, skin and vital organs try to hold onto as much water as possible, leading to puffiness in the face and elsewhere.

Heavy beers are especially bad when it comes to bloating and puffiness. Next time you’re tempted to reach for a brew, consider sipping on our non-alcoholic IPA instead.



4. Your confidence will skyrocket.

When you go without alcohol for an extended period of time – whether it’s six weeks, or two months, or whatever – you’ll likely end up in some social situations where you’d normally drink. This is not a bad thing, it’s a good thing! Being able to socialize without alcohol is an excellent skill to have.

Looking for more tips on staying social without drinking? Check out this blog post.

5. You will actually show up to your morning commitments.

Hangovers suck, period. There’s nothing worse than waking up in the morning with a pounding headache and no motivation to complete your mile-long to do list.

You know that yoga class you keep saying you’ll go to? That family trip you promised to organize? Or that book idea you’ve told everyone about, at least a hundred times? When you take action and cut out alcohol (a willpower-sapping, confidence-destroying, time-sucking drug) you set off a whole chain of events. You become a doer.



6. You will sleep like a baby.

Alcohol really screws up your sleep cycle. It might help you pass out at night, but it also stops you from getting the deep, restorative sleep you need in order to feel truly rested. (Don’t worry if your sleep takes a little while to settle down in early sobriety – it will work itself out, especially if you take a proper break from booze.)

If having a nightcap is an important part of your unwinding routine, consider swapping in a glass of booze-free wine instead. It’ll help you maintain your ritual without the side effects of alcohol. That’s what we like to call a win-win!

7. You will have much, much better sex.

Think a romp in the bedroom is better after some booze? Think again. Alcohol numbs your feelings (both physical and emotional) which isn’t ideal when it comes to pleasure. Sober sex will make you feel more present and engaged, so you can enjoy yourself to the fullest extent.

Ready to commit to a sober curious lifestyle? Shop our full line of alcohol-free beers and wines! Because 2022 will be here before you know it — new year, new you, baby!


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