1. A glass of wine will actually worsen your anxiety.
I am about to blow your mind with this first fact… Alcohol literally enhances your anxiety! Not only will NA wine “still” relax you, it will actually relax you more than its alcoholic counterpart. Yep, that’s right.
Here’s why:
Your brain wants to be at homeostasis (your normal baseline) at all times. Alcohol is a depressant, which suppresses your central nervous system. Your brain recognizes this and starts producing Glutamate and Cortisol (the “anxiety” and “stress” chemicals) to get you back to your baseline.
But once the alcohol leaves your body, you are left with all this extra cortisol and get that crippling “hangxiety” the next day (or even worse, when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep)! (Amanda E. White, LPC, author of Not Drinking Tonight)
I know giving up alcohol completely can sound daunting, but if you just commit to drinking more mindfully, you might find that you prefer not drinking because of all the benefits you’ll see in return, like better sleep, improved muscle recovery, healthier immune system, reduced bloating, no hangovers.
So choose something that ACTUALLY (like, scientifically proven) helps you unwind, such as:
Deep-breathing exercises
Going for a walk
Hot yoga class
10-minute body scan meditation
Calm magnesium
Calling/Facetime a friend
Eating your favorite meal
Enjoying sparkling water or non-alcoholic wine
Treating yourself to a low sugar ice cream sandwich
All of these will make you feel just as relaxed as alcohol does (and if I’m being honest, probably more so), plus the peace of mind that you’ll be skipping all the undesirable side effects of drinking.