Celebrating Women’s Day: 6 Women Leaders in the Alcohol-Free space
To celebrate National Women’s Day, the Grüvi team chatted with various women (including one of our founders) that are involved in the non alcoholic and sober curious spaces. We wanted to know what it’s like being in this industry, and how women can continue to impact the alcohol-free world. Read on to hear more about these amazing women and how they’ve helped change the industry.
Anika Sawni
Co-Founder of GrĂĽvi
What excites you the most about the future of the NA/AF space?Â
That this isn’t a trend or fad but a movement and a lifestyle shift. We are headed in a direction that truly challenges our societal norms and alcohol’s place in society. The common notion that non-alcoholic options don’t compare to their alcoholic counterparts is quickly being dispelled. I’m excited to see the continued innovation in the space and can’t wait to see what it will look like in 10 years.
Any advice for women aspiring to start a business or be a leader in the space?
Take a moment and really hone in on your passion and your WHY. Starting a new business can be tough, there will be ups and downs but being able to always come back to your why, your mission, that is what will keep you moving forward. Also surround yourself with other leaders, mentors, women in the space. Keep learning and soaking in as much information & advice as you can. Something might be the golden ticket you 're looking for.
What motivates/empowers you as a woman?
For me so much comes down to mindset, to feel empowered is to believe it. It’s about catching myself when I have negative thoughts or feel that I am not strong enough and replacing those with positive ones; “I am strong”, “I am creating a positive space”- After studying the brain for 4 years, there is no doubt that our mind is a powerful tool, so use it. As RuPaul says “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you going to love someone else”.
Emily Lynn Paulson
Author, Writer, Recovery Coach, Founder of Sober Mom Squad
How have you seen the AF space change & evolve since you've been involved?
I love that the conversation is starting to shift from “problem drinker vs. regular drinker” to “alcohol isn’t great for your wellness, period.”  No matter how you arrive at an alcohol free lifestyle, it doesn’t need to be exclusive, stigmatized, or one size fits all. Reducing or removing alcohol it is an extremely beneficial health choice for everyone, and deserves to be celebrated!
What excites you the most about the future of the NA/AF space?Â
What excites me most is the normalization of non-alcoholic beverages! “grabbing a drink” or meeting a friend for happy hour does NOT need to equal boozing! Substituting a great NA beer or NA prosecco isn’t just for people who don’t drink alcohol, it’s for anyone who is aware of the health benefits of reducing or abstaining, or who just don’t feel like it. It normalizes the ability to say, “no thanks” in places where drinking currently seems expected.
What motivates/empowers you as a woman?Â
Speaking up for what I believe in, even if it’s not a popular opinion. I know when I’m ruffling a few feathers that I’m going in the right direction.Â
Kayla Lyons
Founder of 1,000 Hours Dry & Host of The Dry Life Podcast
What is one thing that you have learned along your journey of launching 1000hrs dry?
Everyone’s journey is different and there are infinite pathways to sobriety. You have to meet people where they are, whether that’s abstinence, sober curiosity or harm-reduction; the only thing that matters is holding a space where everyone feels part-of.Â
What Motivates/Empowers You as a Woman?
I’m empowered by watching my visions become actions, and my actions influencing others to speak out and fight traditional thought processes. Women finally have a seat at the table and I plan to take full advantage of my voice and platform to empower other women.Â
Any advice for women aspiring to start a business or be a leader in the space?
Go where your passion is, if you’re not passionate about your business or what your advocating you will ultimately peter out. If you know that the world needs to change and you have the capacity to use your voice or business to do so, you can’t fail.Â
@kaylerlyons + @1000hoursdry + @thedrylifepodcast + @reframe_app
Tawny Lara
Freelance writer, Founder of SobrieTea Party and Readings on Recovery, Co-Host of Recovery Rocks Podcast
How have you seen the AF space change & evolve since you've been involved?
The booze-free space is thankfully getting much more diverse from a racial, queer, and socioeconomic perspective. I love watching reading/hearing nuanced conversations about intersectional recovery.
What Motivates/Empowers You as a Woman?Â
I'm honestly motivated by cisgender, male mediocrity. I think, if this guy can be confident about his average idea, I can be confident about my excellent idea.
Any advice for women aspiring to start a business or be a leader in the space?
Discover what makes you unique in the booze-free space and shout it as loud as possible. I was loud AF as a drunk, party girl and I'm loud AF as a sober woman.
"Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Already Taken" - Oscar Wilde
Millie Gooch
Author, Campaigner and Founder of Sober Girl Society
What excites you the most about the future of the NA/AF space?Â
That the US might catch up with the UK – we’re very lucky here.
What is one thing that you have learned along your journey in space so far?
Don’t let your ego get in the way. It can be really easy to get caught up in the bubble of the sober space and worrying what other thought leaders think of what you’re doing but there is a whole world out there for people who need help with their drinking who don’t even know your account/space/business exists yet. That’s who you should be thinking about. Â
How do you help empower other women?Â
By bringing them together – the only thing more powerful than a woman is a group of women!
Hilary Sheinbaum
Writer, Author of The Dry Challenge
Any advice for women aspiring to start a business or be a leader in the space?
Share your story! It will resonate with someone, somewhere, and it will further fuel your passion and bridge connections with other people in the N.A. space (who can relate). Also, try N.A. bevs and read all of the N.A. books, blogs and social posts too! There are so many amazing brands, writers and creators out there. It's an incredibly empowering and supportive community.
What excites you the most about the future of the NA/AF space?Â
So many more people are interested in the N.A. space than in past years, which I think is so cool -- and I think it's only gaining popularity. When I first started doing Dry January, people didn't understand the concept, and it's awesome to see so many more individuals -- globally -- dip their toes into an A.F. lifestyle, whether that's for a month (or forever, or some amount of time in between)!