Can you drink and lose weight? Yes, here's how!

Can you drink and lose weight? Yes, here's how!

Can you drink and lose weight? Yep, and it's easier than you think.

Alcohol is full of sugar and carbs, which is part of the reason drinking causes weight gain. Beyond the calorie count, alcohol also inhibits you from sleeping well, working out regularly, and doing a lot of the things that make weight loss possible.

But you don't have to give up your favorite bevs to lose weight! Switch out your go-to beer or wine for an alcohol-free version and save more than 20,000 calories per year. That adds up to 10 pounds of weight loss annually.


Lose weight without sacrificing your favorite bev

The average IPA contains about 200 calories per serving. And while some of those calories come from carbohydrates in the form of barley, wheat, and other grains, the majority come from alcohol.

Alcohol is a unique ingredient, as it doesn't get metabolized in your body the same way food does. One gram of alcohol (that's a very tiny amount!) contains about 7 calories — calories your body can NOT use as fuel for energy.

The calorific nature of alcoholic drinks can be deceptive. A pint of beer can have as many calories as a Mars bar, and a large glass of white wine could be the same as an ice cream, so the calories in a few drinks can quickly add up.

In comparison, a Low Calorie Non-Alcoholic IPA contains just 50 calories. That means you can cut your calories by 75% while enjoying the beer you know and love.

At the same time drinking adds empty calories to your body, it also slows down your metabolism, which prevents fat burning and makes it hard to lose weight.

As it's slowing down your metabolism, alcohol also makes it difficult to sleep well, which depletes your energy levels further. Less energy means you're less likely to stay active, which is a necessary component of any weight loss strategy.

There is also evidence that poor sleep can cause weight gain, whether you drag yourself to the gym or not. So however you cut it, your alcohol-laden bevs are not helping you lose weight.

But fear not, booze lovers! You can unwind in the evenings with a glass of Alcohol-Free Red Wine that contains just 50 calories. More of a beer-head? Try a Zero-Proof Golden Lager for a booze-free brew that will make you feel amazing.

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