7 Tips for a Successful Dry January
Are you participating in Dry January this year? Many choose to partake as an opportunity to feel rejuvenated and to reap the benefits of an alcohol free month. Following a tough year, this January offers an opportunity to reset and reevaluate your goals for not only Dry January, but for the rest of the year.
If you’re worried about making it through the month, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to see our top tips for a successful Dry January.
Keep Your Goals in Mind
What were your goals for participating in Dry January? Was it to prove you can do it? Was it to focus on better habits? Was it to get in better shape? Make sure you keep whichever goals you’ve chosen in mind so you can stay focused on the month and continue to work towards them.
It might help to write your goals down somewhere you can see them- a sticky note on your mirror, a note in your phone- whatever works best for you! If you find yourself craving alcohol or tempted to give up, make sure you refocus on these goals so you can have a successful Dry January.
Find an Accountability Partner
Finding an accountability partner is one of the best ways to make it through the entire month with ease. The idea is that once you’ve committed a goal together, you’re more likely to stick to it and ensure the other person does too. You’re both in it now, and the positive “pressure” to stay on track could increase.
If you know a friend or family member that is also participating, reaching out and communicating throughout the month could be a great way to stay on track. Don’t know anyone else participating? There are multiple non-alcoholic based Facebook groups to join and reach out if you are in need of partner (check out this one or this one to start). Who knows, you might even gain a new friend by the time you reach the end of the month.
Stock Your Fridge
Stocking your fridge with non alcoholic alternatives is another great way to stay dry. If you have alcohol in your fridge or elsewhere, put it away in a cabinet or box where it won’t be visible (and tempting if you see it). Instead, pack your fridge with AF alternative to enjoy.
There are so many amazing options to try, so let yourself run wild and try some new products you haven’t before. Grüvi wines are a great place to start, or you can try out some non alcoholic craft beers. Other satisfying options include sparkling water, fresh juice, kombucha or shrubs. Allow yourself to indulge and try something new.
Discover a New Hobby
While we still weather the pandemic, this month could be a great time to discover a new hobby. Is there something you’ve been meaning to try but haven’t had the chance to focus on? Now is the time to do it. Maybe just choose one new thing, but take time to learn your new hobby or skill.
Don’t have anything you’ve been looking to get into? Youtube or Skillshare are two great platforms to discover new hobbies and to dive deep into learning these skills.
Become Your Own Bartender
We’re huge advocates for crafting mocktails at home, and now is your chance to be your own bartender! We mentioned stocking up on AF alternatives, but you can also spend some time creating your own elevated cocktails at home- just without the booze. Break out your cocktail set (we love this one from Etsy) and your best glassware to get the best experience, all from your own kitchen.
Need some inspiration? Check out our mocktail page for tons of fun recipes to try.
Evaluate How You Feel
Part of going dry for January is to see if you notice any positive benefits of giving up alcohol. This could be changes in both your physical or mental wellness. As you start out the month, gauge how you feel, then continue to check in each week. Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? Are you learning that you aren’t even craving alcohol?
Everyone’s Dry January will be a different experience, so don’t overthink what you should or shouldn’t be feeling. The heavier of a drinker you are, the more likely you are to find more positive benefits- but that doesn’t mean more infrequent drinkers won’t notice changes too.
Be Kind to Yourself
At the end of the day, Dry January is about benefiting YOU and your goals in some way. But, if you find yourself reaching for a glass of wine, or end up having a beer with your friend, don’t beat yourself up. If you slip up, remind yourself why you want to continue on to the whole month, and then start again the next morning. After a tough year, and with the ongoing pandemic, there’s no need to waste energy on negativity.
And, if cutting out alcohol completely is still too daunting, you can always create a “dryish” version of the month too. Your goal can be as simple as just cutting back your daily or weekly drinking by a certain amount.
All in all, Dry January is a month to start the year of on a positive note. With no hangovers or sluggish mornings, you can focus on the new goals you have created for yourself. Hopefully these tips will guide you through a successful Dry January!