My Gruvi Story #4
For our fourth iteration of our “My Gruvi Story” series, we meet Marlie Goddard- a professional dance & fitness instructor from Toronto, ON. Marlie loves running, biking around the city, teaching dance and fitness, and living her super active lifestyle.
I've been drinking since high school and was a huge party girl and social drinker, especially in university! I was definitely known as the friend that was always down to go out and do shots, dance all night, and get the party started. I didn't think it was any unhealthier than everyone else's drinking- my circle of friends was just like that!
I really wouldn't trade those times for anything, we had so much fun! I also was able to still do really well in school, and do a ton of extra curriculars, including 3 dance teams, campus tour guide, Orientation Week leader and more.
2 years after graduating university, I was working full-time and pursuing dance and fitness on the side, and started to realize how drinking was really affecting me negatively. I had the worst hangovers (not just feeling physically terrible but mentally terrible, and not just for one day but usually at least two until I felt normal again). I wasn't enjoying my dancing because I was always hungover for rehearsals, and always felt like I was playing catch up with fitness or trying to work off the weekend, rather than make any progress.
One day I woke up (hungover) and decided I never wanted to waste another day being hungover again, and that was the day I quit drinking!
“One day I woke up (hungover) and decided I never wanted to waste another day being hungover again, and that was the day I quit drinking!”
Living Life, Alcohol Free
I think that a lot of people can relate to feeling like absolute crap when hungover. I’m sure many think about giving up drinking because of it, but are scared or don't want to give up their social lives. I want to stress that I completely understand this fear and had it myself as well. I’m not going to lie- it definitely is a sacrifice.
But for me it has been 100000% worth it. I would never be able to live the life that I do (dancing, working on different business ventures, keeping a social life) if I still drank. The fact is the productivity you lose from drinking is so detrimental, and the lack of anxiety and depression from never being hungover is absolutely priceless for your mental health.
At first when I quit it was a big change as my friends were used to me being the party girl, but to be honest now it feels completely normal. A lot of people ask me "well why not just have a glass of wine here and there and just not get drunk?" But for me there's absolutely no point in that- if I'm not getting drunk, why would I be drinking?? This might be the mentality of a binge drinker, but hear me out: if you are just having one or two glasses of wine, why not just have Grüvi and save yourself those calories!
Anyways, I could go on and on and have so much to say about my experience, if you relate and want to know more about my story, feel free to reach out or DM me!
Getting Grüvi
I saw a fitness influencer that I follow post about Grüvi and decided to check them out! I still love socializing and partying so I was curious to find a nice drink that I could enjoy too.
I drink Grüvi whenever I have friends over or host parties, and oftentimes people don't even realize that I'm not drinking. It allows me to celebrate with friends (Prosecco is the best!) while sticking to my goals.
Grüvi means feeling your BEST, enjoying your life, and getting #GRUVI even without any liquid courage!
Quick Q&A
My favorite thing about living an alcohol free life is ________.
waking up feeling fresh and ALIVE everyday!
My go-to Grüvi is ________.
Bubbly Rosé!
Any advice to someone curious about going alcohol-free?
Go cold-turkey and be confident about it! People are less likely to peer pressure you when you confidently say "I don't drink" rather than "I'm not drinking much tonight"
My Dream destination is ________.
The Grüviest song on my playlist is ________.
Positions by Ariana Grande
An ice cold Grüvi is best enjoyed ________.
With friends!